Fugazi – “Waiting Room” or “My Labor Day Weekend… SO FAR!!”

Sitting here in the kamuela hospital emergency room…

Wondering if my girl lauren made it back ok to hawi to drop off my bosses car as he is very upset to have been put out so to speak…
Listening to bits and pieces of whoopi goldberg on the view talking about epidurals and kanya west not making any moronic statements… Or was it the blonde haired girl with the Kanye stuff…?The view tv show in a hospital

Helping an old man into a wheel chair as a nurse couldnt be found… he fell out of a tree…
Watching a young lady take care of her mom who was in some sort of insulin shock or lack of insulin as she vomited and wet herself… That made me feel pretty sad/fortunate/confused at the same time….
And me, with an infection slowly creeping up my leg to the point that I am now nervous…. Yes, I had it looked at at the first sign of infection, got a shot in the ass, a tetanus booster, pills, and still it creeps on…. Oh sweet day in the morning=]. What a trip life is….

That we will die one day is all the more reason to live now…

If you’re not laughin, you’re cryin. – LQ, girl I had torrid and confusingly criminal relationship with (wannabe Bonnie and Clyde style)


No empy spaces in me that can be filled by someon out of me

I just had a hot daydream that got me an erection, so I guess im on the road to recovery or perdition as it were. I just looked up perdition, NOT what I was thinking, so we ixnay that part….

Im thinking about my legs, now that I am lying here with a leg elevated, two bottle os pills that i eagerly await taking as thgh i am. Personally sending in the troops that will slowly win the war!

Antibiotics apparently make my skin itch in odd places

Its shameful for me to think about how little attention i pay to my body parts unless i have anaged to pay so little attention i injure them….. That, to me, couldn’t be ninja could it…?

I got to see what my skin looks like on the ultra sound in the emergency room…. Dr. C. Fredrick Von Trampe.  And yes he did seem like he was the man and the name was very well applied to this one…
there were no pockets of pus or other happy substances that he felt were worth lancing into to drain…. It had too many small ones… I didn’t know wether to be comforted or weirded out and i had thought of how cool it would be if it were in color and of course my mind tried to come up with what that may have looked like and good god im glad it was state of the art grainy black and white with #fiftyShades ofGrey in between…