It’s chilly, it’s Christmas, it’s lazy time!… 5 Easy steps to stay Healthy during Holidays=]

One more week to go of Holidays with the family. I love it, but it’s also easy to get unbalanced when it comes to work and health. Feel like getting all cozy in bed watching movies or by the fire with hot cocoa! And let’s not even talk about going to bed late, the extra alcohol and food on dinners! On one hand, I do want to fully enjoy the days I choose to do that, but on the other hand I don’t want to get off the wagon and overindulge on an unhealthy way.

My plan that so far is kinda working=]

1 One liter of warm water first thing in the morning.
2 One vegetable juice for breakfast.
3 One fruit smoothie at mid morning
4 One big salad a day.
5 Minimum of 45 minutes workout everyday and cardio at least every other day.

It’s really SIMPLE and EASY, that is, if you want to do it and if you care about staying healthy even in challenging times like Christmas in a chilly place!

Getting back into motion…

I started teaching yoga again this week. After several months of silence I’m slowly getting back in motion, little by little connecting again with the flow… and everything starts to blossom.

It’s silly and simple when you think about it, how we often avoid what we need the most. On the other hand, sometimes we need to pause and change perspective. We need to fall asleep for waking up refreshed.

It’s different for everyone I guess, what we experience on the mat. It is different for sure than other sports, that’s why yoga is a practice, something beyond exercise. I get a lot from running: the power, the freedom, the intensity and meditation… yet, there is a lot I can find only on my mat. There is a special intensity, different from any other, in the rhythm of the breath. A very special intimacy with myself. I get to feel my breath and ride it through my body, my sensations. I get to make love to myself and that way find healing, learning, growth.

It helps me as an immediate reflection of what I’m doing. Am I helping myself or not in my choices. What I had for dinner last night is making my body feel light and strong or heavy and dull? What I choose to tell my body is a message of gratitude and love or disapproval and rejection? What am I creating: healing or disease? For it takes the exact same amount of effort. There is no time for over analyzing, every exhale and every inhale come with so much information I have to stop thinking, controlling and start experiencing, observing, feeling. And eventually, make smarter choices.

I get to experience my magic, my perfection. I am awe of myself.
Spiritual practice? I think so.
And many times, that’s what makes it so hard. It is a tool for exploring yourself and I can’t think of anything scarier than diving into my own universe. It is work. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth it.

Over all Body health with a focus on being fit!

portion and plate growth through the years

To be the change you wish to see in the World, you actually have to change what you do until you are the representation of what you feel is best for the world.  Speaking is great, it helps to put your ideas in focus, you still have to act, with no action, your words are full of air, with action, your words are full of iron, they become real.

Here are some basic and fundamental ways to effect this change.  As you are what you eat, we will start with the essence of your life, your food!

Food-Label1.  Start reading labels, you need to know what you are putting in your body, you have to start caring for yourself, very important sentence, many people say they care for themselves, but we know people are full of good intentions and words, not so much actions, you must act out your good intentions for the world to become a better place.
You start with yourself
You are what you eat
Start eating good organic wholesome for you meals made with thought and caring using the best possible ingredients and tools available and the world will become a better place.  Take time to look into how your food, that you eat is currently made.  Do you know where it comes from, who makes it, how it is made.  All of these questions are very important, why, because you are what you eat.  I know people that will only buy thier drugs from certain people due to wanting to know whats inside it, but then they eat fast food.  Morons!

2.  Drink more water.  You are made of water.  Scientists, the same people that figured out your car, getting electricity to your computer, and the computer you are reading this on, agree that you are between 70 and 80 percent comprised of aqua.child drinking water from a pipe
Everything in you is made of water, even your nostril hairs have water, as you move through life, moment by moment, you dirty this water at a cellular level, simply being alive you dirty your “bathwater” so to speak.

Clean water at continual intervals throughout the day.  Starting the day, first thing in the morning, keep it by your bed even, two large glasses of just water. This will detox your body and help every aspect of who you are, keep the cleanse going by drinking water throughout the day.  On average you want, AT A MINIMUM, one gallon per day.  Do not kid yourself and rationalize coffee, sports drinks, soda, tea, etc. to be water.  Water is Water, and even in this day it is a scary prospect.  Compare any bottled water to a spring or a clean well, there is a world of difference.  Learn, investigate, be healthy.

Further – The vehicle you drive requires specific amounts of various fluids or it will break down.  Why then is it hard to believe that a human body would not demand AT LEAST, the very same when it can heal on its own and is waaaaaaaay more complex than anything man has created?

no excuses3.  As you are a human, you will rationalize everything that comes through your senses in order to allow you to remain comfortable even in the face of habitual activities that can lead to demise.  Rationalizing is the same as making excuses, though rationalizing is a pre-emptive strike, where as excuses are usually used after the fact.  Either ay, the end result on life quality is shockingly apparent once you take the time to step out of “your life” and look honestly at it.

Lead your life by using your gut/heart, and brain before falling prey to the joys and wonders of your senses.  If you cannot bring your own senses under control, who will?  Who will be your keeper in this life if it is not going to be you?  Who will be responsible for the personal choices you make on a moment by moment basis that in turn create who you are.  Everything that happens, does so because of what choices you make every moment of the day.
This is the human condition, accept the inherent responsibility and thrive, deny it and suffer, only you will live out the consequence of your actions in the end.

4.  Have you ever heard, “Ritual saves, Routine Kils.”?  It is in healthy rituals that we find joy, beware that you confuse yourself and linger in the shadow of ritual named routine, this will bring misery as it slowly builds a prison without walls around your mind.  If you do not fully understand, the best I can do to paint an example is the following:

You are in a new country, having a cup of coffee with freinds on a vacation.  You suddenly wish you had your three shot espresso, organic soy latte with two tablespoons of organic raw cane sugar at one hundred and twenty degrees and the person behind the counter need only see you to make it.

While it is all relative, the above represents one small way that routine can damage new experience.  It causes this damage by taken you out of present moments and wishing for others based on habits you formed as they allowed you to cope with your life.  The habits are so narrowly defined that they become a routine or program that you follow on a regular basis.  When you do not follow this routine, you become unhappy.  When you lose the present moment, you lose the meaning of why you are here, when that happens, you miss the point, lost the plot.

No longer is a cup of coffee a delight, which I may add is a delight that many will never enjoy and it has only happened recently to male it available to the masses when once it was reserved for Kings and Queens.  Do you see?
Ritual – I like a good cup of coffee
Routine – I like a good cup of coffee as long as it is from such and such and made with this and that and served so and so.  Oy!calvin and hobbes slave to routine

5.  When working towards losing the fat, go easy on yourself and pay attention to your portion size, remembering not to use your plate or bowl as a guide.

Plates, since just the sixties, have expanded nearly 2 inches, or 33 percent, causing people to eat over TWENTY TWO percent more!!!  But it doesnt stop there, with the advent of Genetic Modification of Organisms [GMO’s], everything centered around your plate,whether you are vegan or not, has exploded in size over the years. As size has grown, quality has plummeted!
Your hamburger is 23 percent larger than the one your dad ate as a kid, the soft drink – 52% larger and that bag of chips, 60.  Across the board things are getting bigger, its called value sizing, you feel like you get more for your money and since all other food places are doing it, everyone feels they have to do it, largely based on you.  Since we as people dont take the time to educate ourselves, we fall prey to this marketing and drive the demand.  When your parents were growing up a handful of Spinach provided all major nutrients and vitamins, now it would take a bushell, a bushell weighs 20 pounds.  WOW.

We make fun of the “hoity toity” people eating thier high faultin’ meals at an exhorbident cost and they get those “tiny” portions of meat, and only slightly larger portion of veggies and some carb.  Never realizing that they are eating sensible protions with high end organic/non gmo food driving the fare onto plates that are the rightly sized with the focus being paid to the balance of energy provided by the different – QUALITY – parts of the meal.  Your stomach, if you havent stretched it all to heck, will be full with roughly, ROUGHLY, a fist to two fists of food.  So, you make a fist and that is how much food you want in your stomach.  Depending on what you do, i.e., if sedentary doing minimal physical activity, you will need closer to one fist and if you are super active, more than 4 hours a day, perhaps you will be closer to 2 fists.  So this high end over priced meal is actually following age old wisdom, not only in the ingredients used, but in the actual portion size!portion and plate growth through the years

Many of us meanwhile would rather eat a value meal from mcDonalds, which now according to certain lawsuits floating around are a veritable cess pool of lies and disease waiting to happen.  Your burger may be 23% bigger, but now it conatins only 33 percent meat, of which very little is actual beef so much as  it is the organs and sinew and other… Ah, things that unless processed with a very powerful grinder would be unedible in the sense that you would have a lot of trouble chewing it, and the rest is wierd synthetic fillers!
The actual beef that is in there, has been jacked up on antibiotics to take care of the nasty things that grow when an animal made for eating grass is instead fed grains and the processed remains of its brethren, of course it also has plenty of hormones and the cow itself many times is actually GMO!  AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGRRRRRRR.  The same thing is happening to your plants vegans, so be quiet, this isnt the time to be drawing straws, there is a serious problem afoot!

6.  Mindless eating is a phrase, that for me, represents our habitual eating of food when we do not need food for one of two reasons.

First and foremost, when we are thirsty, which many of us are as we are living in a state of dehydration brought on many times due to a lack of water intake which is brought on due to our spurious belief that gatorade and all these other sports drinks can take the place of water, not realizing that they actually increase your bodies need for water as they have many constituent parts that have to be cleansed from the body, a process that needs…. WATER!  So we mistake this thirst for hunger.  Always best to just drink a glass of water and see what happens.

My second belief is that in eating many of todays Bigger and therefore Better fruits, veggies, and in many of your cases, cuts of meat and dairy, you end up with a tricky situation of a full belly but deficient intake of what matters – nutrients, vitamins, minerals, all the little no seeums that make the wheels on the bus go round and round.

No matter how big the meal, if it is not made up of quality ingredients, or if in a humble meal if it is not grown in a quality way, you will be full, but left still hungry as this is your bodies way of trying to get what it needs in order to keep your dumbass alive and running around all day everyday.  Despite what you allow yourself to tell yourself is O.K., your body will do what it has to do to fix your continuous input of damage.

It isnt rocket science to look at the increase in the size of plates and how it coincides with the increase in the size of the actual produce and how it coincides with the increase in size of people and at the same time the lack of health in those people and the lack of vitamins, minerals and good for you stuff in the foods.  At the same time we see the increase in petro chemicals, synthetic hormones, broad spectrum anti biotics and other little evils of modern man that are touted as saviors becoming more and more prolific in the simplest foods, and yet, they are the very thing that are destroying you to the point you have to be saved.  Its kind of like your tax dollars being used to blow stuff up in a country and then using more of your tax dollars to rebuild what was destroyed.  In eating s@%$ty food, you allow yourself to become a cog in the machine which is driven by dollars, not health.  If you eat food, you want to have the focus of yourself and every cog in that system focused on health.  Let food be thy medicine and they medicine be thy food.  Hippocrates, the guy that every Doctor has to swear and oath to uphold his wisdom before they go forth and become swept away by greed and pressure from pharmaceutical companies.

7.  Work out.  Do something physical on a regular basis with proper form.  Make sure it covers the joints, bones and muscles of the whole body.  Learn from a person who actually knows what they are doing so that you may do whatever it is properly.  One of the biggest set backs for people is injury in the beginning of an exercise program.  You are now forewarned, ergo, you can avoid one of the largest set backs!  Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers say it best – If you dont run, you rust.  Its truly is that simple, lack of exercise will start a negative feedback loop of degeneration, meaning that doing nothing will make you sick and tired.  Exercise on a regular basis will start a positive feedback loop and you will get exponentially healthier and healthier.

8.  Reward yourself with food.  Do not eat to simply eat.  Many people use eating as a form of therapy for a host of issues from personal confidence, boredom, sadness etc.  Having these issues is fine, you are a human, and as a human, you must learn to control what these issues have you doing.  As I personally have trouble when it comes to food intake, many times I will only allow myself food as a reward.  Quite simple, want to eat, do the Batman workout before eating, push ups, pull ups, sit ups.  Takes 5 minutes, you can be doing it throughout the day.  If you have no workout program, this will be one, so it is a step in the right direction. If you already have a program, this will serve to merely make you stronger.  Either way you are a winner.

In using food as a reward, ensure that you have taken the time to learn about quality food and supplementation.  Once you have learned, and your a human, you are what you eat, this should be covered by now as it is essential to your health, health is in turn essential to your quality of life, or where your “trip” takes you.  So take the time to learn, and then give yourself foods as a reward.  They must be foods that reward the body, not the taste buds.
The human tongue has 2 to 10 thusand taste buds, you have roughly 10 TRILLION cells in the human body as a whole.  Do not sell out all those cells for the few that make up the taste buds!

This is an evolving article and will have more as the ideas filter through the bedrock of my mind, of course, if you have any ideas, please share!  Aloha!

21. Know preventative maintenance for your body! Beginners Guide to Bicycle Touring… in CinemaScope!


The longer you stay on your bike, the greater the chance you will begin to create an atmosphere for injury to yourself due to the extremely repetitive nature of bicycling and the relative low impact.  Many people view low or no impact as the way to go and this is one of the reasons that they choose bicycling in the first place, it may very well be why you have chosen to go on your epic bike tour.

Lets look at the body quickly and explain some basic things to make sure you do not weaken yourself in the process of becoming stronger.

The body is a highly complex machine.  Every part of your body is based upon the components around it through a series called the kinetic chain.  To give a basic overview of the chain, its effects on the body, AND, a great place for you to start healing yourself, take a look down at your feet.  Notice the bones, the muscles, all of which are connected by tendons and ligaments.  Every time you step, a burst of force travels in an upward direction through your foot, shin, knee, hip, spine, all the way to your skull.  Now, depending upon how you walk, toes splayed out, slightly in, more on one side than the other, heel strike first, fore foot first etc., this will have a huge impact on how the energy moves through the body.kinetic-chain-of-joints-from-ground-up

The foot is designed to hit the fore foot first, on the two balls with a light heel touch and then off to the next step.  This is easily understandable when you look at the foot.  The shock absorption is in the front, not the back, in fact, if you land on the heel to hard, you will break the bone!  Modern shoes and ways of thought have us heel striking first, this is incorrect according to how you are MADE.  This is what matters, and this is why there is a resurgence of minimalist footwear, I say resurgence as native tribes have been aware of this forever, we are just coming online now and some companies are making a fortune off it!

So, depending upon how you strike the ground, a force moves through the body, incorrect walking and you could have neck and shoulder pains all related to your feet!  Idea number 1.  Start focusing on your posture and even if you wear regular sneakers, begin walking as you were designed, forefoot, light heel tap and next step.  It may be difficult at first, but that is O.K., take your time, someday you will die, it is best to walk to your grave correctly as it has impact on all other aspects of your life.

It is this kinetic chain that is responsible for moving energy correctly through the body as long as you are aware and working on your posture and foot strike.  This energy as it moves has another effect, either strengthening or debilitating.

It causes the bones and sinew to react and in the process strengthen, or, if you are moving incorrectly, to weaken.  This is why impact during sport is beneficial, again, if you are moving as you were designed, either by God or evolution, it doesn’t matter, you have a body that works best in a certain way.

This shock to the system, causes strengthening. In the case of long distance cycling, or any long period of cycling per day, like pro  or aspiring pro cyclists, they aren’t on tour, but they spend as many hours as you on a bike, you lose this as cycling is so very low impact.  One problem cyclists MAY run into is bone density issues.

Another issue is that of working a very specific muscle group for extended periods of time.  Many of you are right or left handed.  Take a look at your arms, one may be visibly weaker than the other.  This may manifest in your riding in different ways, the tendons in the ankle, knees and hips, the muscles in various parts of the body will become much stronger than a muscle group directly beside them.  This is counter productive to health as it physically imbalances you.  You do not want this as a person physically or mentally and the two are connected!  Further, when you strengthen one area and the area directly beside it is weakened, this will lead to an over emphasis of problems.  If we look at the knee and ankle, you strengthen in such a way as to push the pedals in a certain motion literally hundreds if not thousands of times per day, you become very strong for that motion.  As a human, when you walk, your body will be subjected to many different motions, such as twisting and turning, pitches in elevation on one part of the foot and not the other, next thing you know, you have a knee or ankle sprain simply stepping onto an uneven sidewalk!

So what do we do?

Everyday, stretch and engage in some sort of physical exercise which will incorporate your body as a whole.

Using Diana and myself as examples, Diana loves to run and is a Yoga practitioner/teacher, I like running and my Kung Fu practice.  Through these, we address all potential trouble areas.  We get the impact we need and because we are focused on our posture and using our Vibram minimalist running shoes, we are using our feet correctly thereby sending positive shock through out our bodies.  With the Yoga and Kung Fu, we take care of muscle strengthening and stretching.  Added to the cycling, we have become quite fit!

Of course we suggest either Yoga or Martial arts as they are tested by CENTURIES of practice and have changed millions of lives.  Whatever you choose as long as it strengthens your muscles wholly and stretches them, and you have something that will help maintain bone density, which coincidentally yoga does as stretching pulls muscles which in turn puts a stress on ligaments and tendons, which in turn put a stress on the…. BONES!  Positive stress equals strength, improper stress will bring about slowly decay and weakness, this is applicable to all aspects of your life and nature around you.  True story.

Whatever you do, do it regularly, we feel three times a week is a minimum, and do it happily, its your life, you are what you eat and your body is how you get around and experience, respect it and show it love!  You will only get this one and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, no one else’s!  Go be Ninja!

Super Simple Guide to being Healthy – Basic fundamentals.

Aloha!  This is a wonderful life you are living and even though it may at times be easy to forget, do keep in mind that you are now reading an article, on the world wide web about being healthy.  Therein lies the proof that life is, for the most part, going swimmingly.  This is a small sampling of tips to slowly work into your everyday life.  Key thought here is to slowly work them in, no rush, no worries, slowly make different choices to give you a richer experience and hopefully a bit more peace and joy that you can then pass on to others!

1.  You ARE what YOU EAT!  Try to eat only the healthiest foods you can find, try to have the foods be whole and organic.  If you feel the need to eat and have meat, allow it to be one of the smallest parts of your diet, again, ensuring it is from the best place possible, as good as can be when the place is made for slaughtering a live animal and then cutting it into smaller parts.  Organic and local is a key!

2.  In general, cow milk in whatever form is best when avoided as it really has no upside where the human body is concerned, you can get more readily absorbent calcium in many other forms.  What other animal in nature drinks milk after its formative years?  (You’re an animal, I promise, the rules apply to YOU!)

3.  Go barefoot whenever you can and wherever you can as often as you can.

4.  Drink more water than you currently do (for average person who does not drink nearly enough water), you want at least 4 litres per day.  It is best if this water comes direct from the earth to you, the more man messes with it, the worse off it usually is.  Start your day, i.e. First thing upon waking, two large glasses of water.  Do it for a month and tell me you’re not stoked=]

5.  The things that cause you stress should be dealt with immediately.  Try to grow to the point where nothing causes you stress.  This may mean letting go of things, do not confuse this with running away from things, which will only increase stress in the long run. To react in the same manner towards an unpaid bill as you would to the gravity of a wild animal attack is not helpful and unhealthy.  Place your world in perspective and re-establish a baseline for stress in your world.  Killing all the wild animals that can attack is not the answer.

6.  Take care of your teeth everyday.  This will of course include floss and brushing the back of your front teeth…. I always get that one wrong when I see the dentist….

7.  Spend more time outdoors than indoors, unless you live in an inhospitable climate…. and then, ask yourself why you live there if you do not like being outside, and then move (animals do this, they call it – migration, you’re still an animal=).

8.  Grow a plant.  It does wonders for your inner workings and your view on the world.  You’d be amazed to learn the journey of most of the things you use come from and how they live before you use them (your food, many of your clothes – cotton, the wood for the roof over your head etc.!).  Perspective changing to say the very least.

9.  Exercise regularly.  This means accelerating your heart rate for a length of time in a way that has positive long term impact on your body.  Master Bruce Lee trained with the intention of being/doing more than the day before.  You were MADE to move, and fast in all environments on this planet, the more natural the better.  Start is a gym and a pool, graduate to the Ocean and Wilderness.  Tarzan trained in a Jungle and he is rad.

10.  Meditate regularly, this can be in whatever form you like, it is just like working out the body, except you focus on the mind and not holding onto, or following thoughts, instead, your goal is to merely be the vessel for the cascade of thoughts, never the thoughts themselves. Let them come and go like clouds in the sky, be the sky, not the clouds.

11.  Be ever willing to try something new.  Evolution is the constant push of living creatures (plants, animals-which you still are, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria…etc?) boundaries.  Once you stop pushing your boundaries, you are no longer serving an evolutionary purpose and will begin, by simply not doing, to write yourself out of the flow of life as the rest of the living world continue to push theirs.  It truly is never too late to re-join the evolutionary process.  You need only start doing things that are good for you or bad for you, using your common sense of course and you are back in the process!  From switching to organic veggies instead of McDonalds, or riding your bicycle blindfolded in rush hour traffic, you are back in the great process of the planet – EVOLUTION!  Welcome back to LIFE!

12.  No matter what you choose to do, always make room to love another LIVING entity.  No matter how annoying the pet or the person, you will miss them when they are gone…  everything living thing is unique and if take a moment to get to “know” any living thing, it really changes you profoundly, try it, regularly in your search for love.  Say Aloha, Hello, Good Day, Hola – nearly complete list here, to all whom you should be so fortunate as to have cross your path!

13.  Try your best to ditch your T.V., if you have trouble doing this, even for a day or a week, then, well, you know=]

14.  Turn on airplane mode to reduce zapping yourself in all of your electronics when you are not on them.  Studies are showing an incase in tumors, brittle bones and impotence/lowered sperm counts for men and a I am sure as the years roll by a host of ailments will surface.

15.  Chew your food your age.  If you are 30, chew thirty times before swallowing, if you are ten, you can get away with ten.  As you age, your bodies ability to process food declines for a multitude of factors.  One of the most prominent factors is that we neglect to chew our food.  This puts a tremendous burden on the stomach as it has no teeth!  Whenever, ok, most of the time, when I see an interview with a centenarian or very aged person, almost always when asked thier secret, one of the ones they give is chewing ones food!  Well, doh!  Who you gonna believe, the moron laughin at me while eating McDonañds or the 120 French lady drinking wine and smoking additive free cigarrettes?

16.  Read labels and dont buy things you dont understand?  Ifthe words are two big, chances are you are eating a food like substance andmnot actually a food. Mthis is fine for androids and people like things, but not for actual humans.  Also, Its not just what it doesnt contain, but what it does and vice versa, dont allow yourself to be misled!  Splenda started as an ant killer – true story.  Many things are not healthy for you, but still get the gobernment O.K.  I spelled it that way on purpose.

17.  Make veggies fruits nuts and whole grains a bigger part of your diet than meat and dairy, we coved it already, but I want to make sure you get it… According to Dr. Fuhrman whos popular site,, and this is a paraphrase of what he wrote with my silliness included, that being said, the facts are the facts and I nor he tampered with them!

There are now over a thousand studies documenting the effects of saturated fats (animal fats) and thier very negative effects on the human machine in that they are the number one way that fat soluble petrodhemicals such as PCBs and Dioxin, along with toxic elements such as Mercury – the stuff that is so toxic if it spills in a school or other public place, and by spill Im talking a thermometer breaks, that area is closed off, TOXIC stu.  Well, this stuff is most mostly absorbed by humans through the consumption of Animal products, makes sense right, that what has the saturated fat! Specifically and in this order, Fish, Dairy, Meat (cow, pig, lamb, chihuahua, hey, you eat it, Im vegan, dont look at me!), and lastly poultry.  Fish may be a bummer for people to hear, and yet, have you checked on the current state of the ocean!  Good lord, sing praise you can still eat fish!  Dairy, milk, ice cream, ETC… another bummer, but hey, if you take a look at how milk is made, you have to figure that killing all those baby cows would come back and bite you somehow!

18.  Read books books that are interesting but different from what you would normally read, keep your mind active and it will do its best to keep you well.

19.  Travel, near or far, best if you can get out of your comfort zone and really go somewhere far. Mthe farther you go, the less likely you can rationalize the trip away.  People are people wherever you go.  If you dont go, you wont know, so travel!

20.  Use your weaker hand for stuff you commonly do when you have time, strengthens the brain.  Things such as brushing your teeth, washing your body, eating etc..

Super Simple Guide to being Healthy – Basic fundamentals.

Aloha!  This is a wonderful life you are living and even though it may at times be easy to forget, do keep in mind that you are now reading an article, on the world wide web about being healthy.  Therein lies the proof that life is, for the most part, going swimmingly.  This is a small sampling of tips to slowly work into your everyday life.  Key thought here is to slowly work them in, no rush, no worries, slowly make different choices to give you a richer experience and hopefully a bit more peace and joy that you can then pass on to others!

1.  You ARE what YOU EAT!  Try to eat only the healthiest foods you can find, try to have the foods be whole and organic.  If you feel the need to eat and have meat, allow it to be one of the smallest parts of your diet, again, ensuring it is from the best place possible, as good as can be when the place is made for slaughtering a live animal and then cutting it into smaller parts.  Organic and local is a key!

2.  In general, cow milk in whatever form is best when avoided as it really has no upside where the human body is concerned, you can get more readily absorbent calcium in many other forms.  What other animal in nature drinks milk after its formative years?  (You’re an animal, I promise, the rules apply to YOU!)

3.  Go barefoot whenever you can and wherever you can as often as you can.

4.  Drink more water than you currently do (for average person who does not drink nearly enough water), you want at least 4 litres per day.  It is best if this water comes direct from the earth to you, the more man messes with it, the worse off it usually is.  Start your day, i.e. First thing upon waking, two large glasses of water.  Do it for a month and tell me you’re not stoked=]

5.  The things that cause you stress should be dealt with immediately.  Try to grow to the point where nothing causes you stress.  This may mean letting go of things, do not confuse this with running away from things, which will only increase stress in the long run. To react in the same manner towards an unpaid bill as you would to the gravity of a wild animal attack is not helpful and unhealthy.  Place your world in perspective and re-establish a baseline for stress in your world.  Killing all the wild animals that can attack is not the answer.

6.  Take care of your teeth everyday.  This will of course include floss and brushing the back of your front teeth…. I always get that one wrong when I see the dentist….

7.  Spend more time outdoors than indoors, unless you live in an inhospitable climate…. and then, ask yourself why you live there if you do not like being outside, and then move (animals do this, they call it – migration, you’re still an animal=).

8.  Grow a plant.  It does wonders for your inner workings and your view on the world.  You’d be amazed to learn the journey of most of the things you use come from and how they live before you use them (your food, many of your clothes – cotton, the wood for the roof over your head etc.!).  Perspective changing to say the very least.

9.  Exercise regularly.  This means accelerating your heart rate for a length of time in a way that has positive long term impact on your body.  Master Bruce Lee trained with the intention of being/doing more than the day before.  You were MADE to move, and fast in all environments on this planet, the more natural the better.  Start is a gym and a pool, graduate to the Ocean and Wilderness.  Tarzan trained in a Jungle and he is rad.

10.  Meditate regularly, this can be in whatever form you like, it is just like working out the body, except you focus on the mind and not holding onto, or following thoughts, instead, your goal is to merely be the vessel for the cascade of thoughts, never the thoughts themselves. Let them come and go like clouds in the sky, be the sky, not the clouds.

11.  Be ever willing to try something new.  Evolution is the constant push of living creatures (plants, animals-which you still are, fungi, protists, archaea, and bacteria…etc?) boundaries.  Once you stop pushing your boundaries, you are no longer serving an evolutionary purpose and will begin, by simply not doing, to write yourself out of the flow of life as the rest of the living world continue to push theirs.  It truly is never too late to re-join the evolutionary process.  You need only start doing things that are good for you or bad for you, using your common sense of course and you are back in the process!  From switching to organic veggies instead of McDonalds, or riding your bicycle blindfolded in rush hour traffic, you are back in the great process of the planet – EVOLUTION!  Welcome back to LIFE!

12.  No matter what you choose to do, always make room to love another LIVING entity.  No matter how annoying the pet or the person, you will miss them when they are gone…  everything living thing is unique and if take a moment to get to “know” any living thing, it really changes you profoundly, try it, regularly in your search for love.  Say Aloha, Hello, Good Day, Hola – nearly complete list here, to all whom you should be so fortunate as to have cross your path!

13.  Try your best to ditch your T.V., if you have trouble doing this, even for a day or a week, then, well, you know=]

14.  Turn on airplane mode to reduce zapping yourself in all of your electronics when you are not on them.  Studies are showing an incase in tumors, brittle bones and impotence/lowered sperm counts for men and a I am sure as the years roll by a host of ailments will surface.

15.  Chew your food your age.  If you are 30, chew thirty times before swallowing, if you are ten, you can get away with ten.  As you age, your bodies ability to process food declines for a multitude of factors.  One of the most prominent factors is that we neglect to chew our food.  This puts a tremendous burden on the stomach as it has no teeth!  Whenever, ok, most of the time, when I see an interview with a centenarian or very aged person, almost always when asked thier secret, one of the ones they give is chewing ones food!  Well, doh!  Who you gonna believe, the moron laughin at me while eating McDonañds or the 120 French lady drinking wine and smoking additive free cigarrettes?

16.  Read labels and dont buy things you dont understand?  Ifthe words are two big, chances are you are eating a food like substance andmnot actually a food. Mthis is fine for androids and people like things, but not for actual humans.  Also, Its not just what it doesnt contain, but what it does and vice versa, dont allow yourself to be misled!  Splenda started as an ant killer – true story.  Many things are not healthy for you, but still get the gobernment O.K.  I spelled it that way on purpose.

17.  Make veggies fruits nuts and whole grains a bigger part of your diet than meat and dairy, we coved it already, but I want to make sure you get it… According to Dr. Fuhrman whos popular site,, and this is a paraphrase of what he wrote with my silliness included, that being said, the facts are the facts and I nor he tampered with them!

There are now over a thousand studies documenting the effects of saturated fats (animal fats) and thier very negative effects on the human machine in that they are the number one way that fat soluble petrodhemicals such as PCBs and Dioxin, along with toxic elements such as Mercury – the stuff that is so toxic if it spills in a school or other public place, and by spill Im talking a thermometer breaks, that area is closed off, TOXIC stu.  Well, this stuff is most mostly absorbed by humans through the consumption of Animal products, makes sense right, that what has the saturated fat! Specifically and in this order, Fish, Dairy, Meat (cow, pig, lamb, chihuahua, hey, you eat it, Im vegan, dont look at me!), and lastly poultry.  Fish may be a bummer for people to hear, and yet, have you checked on the current state of the ocean!  Good lord, sing praise you can still eat fish!  Dairy, milk, ice cream, ETC… another bummer, but hey, if you take a look at how milk is made, you have to figure that killing all those baby cows would come back and bite you somehow!

18.  Read books books that are interesting but different from what you would normally read, keep your mind active and it will do its best to keep you well.

19.  Travel, near or far, best if you can get out of your comfort zone and really go somewhere far. Mthe farther you go, the less likely you can rationalize the trip away.  People are people wherever you go.  If you dont go, you wont know, so travel!

20.  Use your weaker hand for stuff you commonly do when you have time, strengthens the brain.  Things such as brushing your teeth, washing your body, eating etc..